General conditions participants Mundi

Article 1 Definitions

  • Participants: individuals who have registered with Mundi.
  • Visitor: website visitor who’s hasn’t registered with Mundi.
  • Partners: trademarks with which has an agreement and which are listed on the platform.
  • Points: Points that participants can earn through various activities
  • Incentive: a discount, product or experience offered by partners in exchange for savings points.

Article 2 Objective of the program:

Mundi and Mundi’s partners aim to enable consumers to discover impact-first brands. Part of this is that we want to enable partners to offer attractive benefits to participants. For this we have developed a savings program with points that can be used with different partners.

Article 3 Applicability General Terms and Conditions

  • The General Terms and Conditions apply to the services and information provided by Mundi unless expressly agreed upon.
  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law.

Article 4 Programme partners:

  • The Mundi partners have incorporated a social and/or ecological mission into their operations.
  • Mundi has carefully selected partners as described on

Article 5 Information

  • The information on the website, email, and other expressions has been compiled with care.
  • Mundi relies on the information provided by partners and is unable to fact-check the claims, product information, or other information, and therefore takes no responsibility for them.
  • Content, information, and articles presented by Mundi on the website are not to be construed as claims.
  • Mundi uses an AI app that generates responses in the ai question tool. Mundi has no control over the information and answers provided by the AI model and there is no curation of these results. Therefore, the use of this information is the responsibility of the participant or website visitor.

Article 6 Saving Mundi Points:

  • As a Participant, the consumer can earn points through purchases made from our partners.
  • It allows partners not to offer points in combination with other promotional discounts or activities.
  • Partners are free to stop offering Mundi points at any time
  • It is free for our Partners to determine that only new or existing customers receive points on purchases.
  • The amount of points that is awarded at a purchase may vary and is arbitrary

Article 7 Mundi Points:

  • Received points do not represent monetary value
  • No rights can be derived from the points
  • Points received are in principle valid for 6 months
  • Received points can be withdrawn or revoked at any time
  • It is up to partners to determine what they offer for points and to whom
  • It is free for partners to cancel or change the offer at any time, as long as the transaction in the webshop has not yet been completed and therefore the points have not been used by the participant.  
  • It is up to partners to decide that points can be placed only by participants who are not yet a customer of the partner concerned.
  • It is up to partners to decide that points can be placed only by participants who are already a customer of the respective partner
  • Points are not transferable between participants, consumers or others other than to bet as described above.

Article 8 Purchase of products and processing of points

  • The purchase of products was made directly on the Partner’s webshop without further intervention from Mundi
  • The applicable agreement when buying a product or purchasing a service is made directly between the participant and the partner concerned. Mundi is neither a party nor a part of the transaction.
  • Mundi will check the balance of the participant to process the saved or invested points.
  • Participant must himself agree with the partner or vote on the discount, benefit, product or other compensation that the partner has attached to the points.

Article 9 Registration and participation:

  • To receive points and participate, Savers must create an account at and agree to the terms and conditions, cookie statement and privacy conditions
  • By participating, the participant gives Mundi permission to send emails or other expressions
  • Participants can unsubscribe from Mundi mailings at any time
  • Participants can unsubscribe from Mundi at any time free of charge
  • In case of suspected inactive status of an account, Mundi reserves the right to delete it.
  • Mundi will notify the participant in advance of such deletion by e-mail and will offer the opportunity to challenge this inactive status within 48 hours by logging in to the account.

Article 10 Suspension of activities

  • Mundi reserves the right to suspend or terminate activities, including the savings system, at any time without any right to be derived from the participant.

Contact details:

For questions, complaints or comments, please contact us in writing:

Mundi B.V.